Search results for "environmental philanthropy"

What is the role of philanthropy in social change?

At a recent event held by EPIP’s Chicago Chapter, over 20 young philanthropy professionals explored what social change looks like and how philanthropy can play a role. RPA Associate and...

RPA Meets with Newest Members of the Giving Pledge fulfilling the pledge of philanthropy.” Learn more about time limited philanthropy in the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ guide Setting a Time Horizon, from our Philanthropy Roadmap series.   Written by...

Survey on Time Horizons in Philanthropy

Are you engaged in, or have you considered, a proactive time horizon strategy for your philanthropy? Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently is conducting a survey to gain a deeper understanding of...

Q&A With Greg Ratliff, Vice President

...improve life for low income and disadvantaged populations; and more than 25 of those years have been spent in philanthropy. I was first exposed to philanthropy in the early 1990s,...

LIGHT Awards

...flourish. Since beginning its work with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in 2008, the Intrepid Philanthropy Foundation has both narrowed its focus and expanded the scope of its work. Today, in addition...

Philanthropy’s Role in Hurricane Dorian

...following a disaster, philanthropists naturally want to take action. With communities broken and people suffering, the call to give is compelling. If ever philanthropy should step up to help, many...

Giving as a Family for the Holiday Season an annual tradition for your family, or a new activity, the RPA Philanthropy Roadmap guide Talking to Your Family about Philanthropy has tips on ensuring that you can work...

RPA Hosts Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia

...Fundaciones Familiares y Empresariales (AFE). Conversations centered on the Sustainable Development Goals Philanthropy Platform (SDG Philanthropy Platform or SDG PP), Theory of the Foundation (ToF), Scaling Solutions and time-horizon philanthropy....

Foresight and Futures Initiative

Helping Philanthropy Innovate, Envision and Build a Better Future   Change is the new normal and philanthropy needs to catch up. How do we not only cope with change but...

Five Steps to Giving for the New Crypto Philanthropist

...this journey, new philanthropists should consider the why, the what, the how, and the who, as they develop a thoughtful and effective approach to their giving. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor’s Philanthropy...

Arctic Funders Collaborative

...The interests of the group’s current 11 members, which include public and private foundations, vary across a range of social and environmental initiatives in the Northern hemisphere. Members include the...

Mosun Layode

Mosun Layode is a development professional with two decades of experience in international development and nonprofit leadership. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the African Philanthropy Forum (APF),...