Search results for "environmental philanthropy"

To Whom is Your Philanthropy Accountable?

A Discussion on Values, Perceived Role, and Social Compact At recent workshops with foundation and philanthropy executives, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors posed the question, “To whom are you accountable?” This query...

Mental Health Philanthropy Needs

This article was originally published in the magazine of Via Clarita, a Czech philanthropy advisory group with which RPA has previously partnered. Donzelina Barroso is a Director of Global Philanthropy...

Breathing Through Injustice: Philanthropy’s Call to Action

...higher standard for those who are unwarrantedly expected to be violent, criminal, or “savage”. Where Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Stands Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors condemns all forms of racism, as well as...

How Impact Investing Can Amplify Philanthropic Efforts

For years, philanthropy and investing have been treated as separate disciplines—one championing social change, the other financial gain. The idea that the two approaches could be integrated in the same...

Philanthropy Operating Archetypes

Operating Archetypes: Philanthropy’s New Tool for Strategic Clarity is an analytical framework designed to accelerate philanthropy by helping funders better understand and articulate their distinct position in the philanthropy ecosystem....

Theory of the Foundation: The Philanthropy Canvas

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ Theory of the Foundation initiative has launched its next phase with the publication of The Philanthropy Canvas. Background on the Theory of the Foundation The Theory of...

RPA’s New Mission, Values, and Reflection on 2022

...we serve the philanthropy sector and what we add to society more broadly, resulting in a new mission: Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors accelerates philanthropy in pursuit of a just world. Our...

An Unprecedented Year…and a Path Forward

...and a healthy new year, Melissa A. Berman President and CEO As part of our mission to create thoughtful, effective philanthropy, we seek to strengthen the philanthropy sector by sharing...

Operating Archetypes Webinar

...understand and articulate their distinct position in the philanthropy ecosystem. Participants in the webinar included Melissa Berman, CEO of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors; Richard Tate, Executive Vice President of the California...

The Philanthropy Framework

...foundations, The Philanthropy Framework is a dynamic tool created by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors to help new and existing philanthropies of all types respond to seismic shifts in philanthropy and the...

Social Compact in a Changing World

...and other public figures continue to criticize private philanthropy. A recent example is the backlash sparked by the $1 billion pledge by private donors in the wake of the fire...

Philanthropy Framework Profile: Surdna Foundation

...the board agreed that communities, sustainability, and social justice were core to the work of the Foundation and it created cultural, environmental, and economic program areas. The new mission statement...

Philanthropy Framework Profile: Surdna Foundation

...the board agreed that communities, sustainability, and social justice were core to the work of the Foundation and it created cultural, environmental, and economic program areas. The new mission statement...