New Report: Evaluation of the Shifting Systems Initiative
June 22, 2023
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) is pleased to announce the release of the evaluation report for its groundbreaking Shifting Systems Initiative (SSI). This work, conducted over the past seven months, aims to inform strategic discussions for the next phase of the initiative while sharing its findings to inform the broader philanthropic community working on systems change.
The evaluation report pursued five central strands of inquiry, examining the impact and effectiveness of the Shifting Systems Initiative and the sector more broadly. The primary objectives were to assess the extent to which the philanthropy sector has embraced the concept of systems change; explore the influence of the initiative on discourse and practices within philanthropy; analyze critical successes and challenges encountered by the initiative; understand effective strategies to influence philanthropic behavior; and identify opportunities for operational and governance improvements.
Since its launch in 2016, the Shifting Systems Initiative has played a vital role in catalyzing change within the philanthropy sector. It has conducted extensive research and facilitated numerous convenings, engaging funders and partners across the globe, including the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
In June 2020, the initiative entered its latest phase, which involved commissioning a comprehensive evaluation to assess the evolution of system change as a field, the initiative’s role in driving that evolution, and to inform its future direction.
The evaluation report features significant findings and key insights, shedding light on the impact of the Shifting Systems Initiative and others in the field. It provides valuable guidance for shaping the next phase of the initiative and serves as a vital resource for actors engaged in systems change within philanthropy.
“We are indebted to the evaluation team members who have analyzed this journey of transformation and collective learning,” said Heather Grady, Vice President at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. “The findings from this evaluation will guide our strategic discussions as we move ahead, ensuring that the initiative and our Steering Group and partners continue to encourage systems change approaches in the sector. Moreover, we believe that this report will spark a broader dialogue in the field, inviting philanthropic actors to join together in shaping the future of systems change.”
The report is now available to the public and can be accessed here.
Watch a recording of the launch webinar, including key highlights from the report below:
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