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RPA Celebrates European Day of Foundations and Donors

October 01, 2024

As we celebrate the annual European Day of Foundations and Donors on Oct. 1, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors reflects on the value of Europe’s philanthropic community, RPA’s proud involvement in this space, and the significant growth of the continent’s donor and funder network over the past few decades. 

At a time when public trust in global institutions and bodies of power is alarmingly low, the role of philanthropic organizations in restoring that trust is more vital than ever. A quick look at any major news outlet reveals persistent challenges: widening socioeconomic inequality, mounting fears of the global climate crisis, and the exploitation of vulnerable communities, whether in times of war or peace. 

While governments worldwide have a critical role in addressing these challenges, the philanthropic sector often funds and drives the solutions necessary to create a more just and equitable world. 

According to the Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea), approximately 186,000 foundations in Europe contribute a combined annual giving of €54.5 billion. The combined assets of European public-benefit foundations top €647 billion. As Europe’s collective wealth grows, so too does its capacity for charitable giving.

Today, RPA is honored to partner with many European foundations as part of our cutting-edge communities of practice. RPA’s Foresight & Futures Initiative, a Community of Practice that gathers philanthropic and community leaders and funders to anticipate and plan for the challenges of tomorrow, proudly includes foundation members from Denmark, Italy, the U.K., the Netherlands, and Germany.  

Additionally, RPA has worked with many European foundations in different capacities as they seek to maximize their giving potential. When the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, based in Portugal, sought assistance in its quest to develop a method to assess and report contributions toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it partnered with RPA. Through research and the creation of resource sets and analysis tools, RPA was able to provide recommendations on how to report and measure the organization’s progress toward reaching its goals. We are also delighted to work with other European foundations, like Spain-based La Caixa Foundation, in developing and implementing innovative impact investing strategies to expand the instruments the foundation uses to scale its impact.   

RPA partnered with Fondation Chanel to support their upcoming expansion by comprehensively evaluating its grantmaking programs, processes, governance, and operations. Through this multi-faceted assessment, RPA provided strategic recommendations to help Fondation Chanel optimize its resources and achieve its growth objectives. 

As a global thought leader, convener, and one of the world’s largest philanthropic advisory service providers, RPA is a proud member of Philea’s Advisory Committee. RPA looks forward to continuing to serve the European market and its constituents. To learn more about RPA’s work in Europe, click here. To learn more about Philea, click here.  

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